gomillion versus lightfoot or the situation in mississippi in 1966. the argument there is that you have diminished the political power of a racial group by the way you have drawn the lines. here it's not that. it's not diminishing the political power but that you sent a certain message, and that message, as she says, reinforces that members of the same racial group, right, think alike. share the same political interests and will prefer the same type of candidates at the polls. that kind of racial stereotyping creates an injury under the 14th amendment and they cite gomillion versus lightfoot as an example of that. right. gomillion versus lightfoot, remember the story there is that they excise pretty much all the african-americans from tuskegee. here it's not that they excised all the whites from the i-85 district. in fact, this district -- if this is about segregation, right, let alone political apartheid, these districts are about, roughly, just over 50% of the voters in the district were african-american. they were drawn in order to satisfy the voti