we will all ride gomselmash. but uh, the question is still there.l would like, of course, from the beginning means that most of the machinery used in agriculture. it's still domestic. if, uh, based on the number of tractors that we use, this is about ninety-six percent. this is domestic, that is, and those four% that were imported earlier, well, do not play a significant role, let's say so, and cannot affect any significant change in the situation with their breakdowns. slightly, of course, we have fewer domestic ones - these are combines. but it's still about 90% - it is domestic, of course, we use imported equipment in the range. let's say ten percent for imported, but at the same time, for imported equipment that we use, it was imported, as a rule, dealerships and dealerships remain to work and some breakdowns that occur are eliminated, plus, uh, interchangeability of spare parts, as it were also, well, it's there. if the bearing is used, it is standard made at our relatively speaking factory, the same belts. also can manufacture factory already,