. >> reporter: 19-year-old gonaz is a prisoner, behind bars entrapped in a society that still treats women as second-class citizens. she says she was raped by her cousin's husband. she went to the police to seek justice. instead, she was charged with adultery and locked up. i don't know why they put me in jail, she says. her daughter a product of the rape was born on her prison cell floor. initially sentenced to two years, she appealed and lost. her sentence increased to 12 years unless she agreed to marry the man she says raped her. american lawyer kimberly mottley took the case and just last week helped gonaz gain a presidential pardon. >> it definitely is putting the attorney general's office, the supreme court, and also others that are working within this justice system sort of on notice. >> reporter: gonaz is now counting the days until her release. the life that she is leaving behind is sharing a prison room with several other prisoners and children. >> reporter: about 90% of afghan women suffer some sort of necessa domestic abuse. a woman's awareness program is running ads lik