, remember there were scandals, well, first of all, definitely three tragedies in new york, i am gongadzewas also kolchuga and radio continent, that is, these are relations, how ukraine behaved, and then the corruption scandals, or yanukovych, they definitely reduced the desire of our american partners to do something in the ukrainian direction, although even during yanukovych's time, they did not freeze relations, they simply reduced the volumes of interaction that were, and the third point is unconditional european partners and the year 2008 budapest in i apologize budapest bucharest male where germany and france blocked ukraine from receiving the membership action plan i want to say what was the clone and then it was actually a global war from 12 years old what was it called and e russian federation was extremely important for the united states to wage war in afghanistan. well, the europeans took their own destiny and still do. by the way , they didn't do it before, and that's why, let's say, the americans liked it and they didn't want to get involved in european affairs. and that's ex