>> when you talk about preparinr end-of-life it is always a gooda to have an advanced health care. we have a great catholic health care directive on our website. k it is good for anyone. it takesp a few of the main questions that that occur when people are dying about how much medication, pain pain medication is too much. if you are giving a lot of morphine lot of morphine will that accele your death? the answer is, no one is expected to go through pn when they are dying. giving pain like morphine, as long as the it is not to cause death. intent ie most important word. it is okay to give pain medication even ify if theoretically could reduce the lifespan of the person. another issue that comes up is n and hydration. artificial nutrin and hydration is considered necy health care. it is not a healthe procedure. you are eating and d. and drinking. i get a lot of cas from family members saying, i'm afraid we were not feeding my mr or father or hydrating enough. d we kill them? there is a point n which the body can no longer assimilate food and water. whenu get close to the dying proces