includes madam marie currie, jane goodall and >> next, julie des jardins, author of "the hidden history of women in science." this is an hour. >> so hello, everyone. i want to thank you all for coming, this is a great turnout for julie, but nothing less than we would have expected. i'm gloria jacobs, i'm the executive director of the feminist press at cuny, the publisher of the madame curie complex, and the book is part of our women writing science series which is funded by the national science foundation. and you might ask, or you might not, you might know the answer, why do we need a women writing science series and the answer is, of course, that women still are not encouraged by their teachers to enter the scientific field and to stay there, which is really important, retention, and they are not promoted as much, they don't get the best jobs, they don't get the best grants, and, this is still, despite many years of activism on women's part is consistent throughout the scientific field. so, the feminist press, we put together a project, and the two project directors are here, florence