. >> hopefullwe get a goodlan. but i do ink we have acommon interest and think they undetand that. now, in other are, maybe it doesn't look quit so commo but i.... >> rose: it'sot clear that ey understand that the dolr ought to be the reserve currency in the long term. >> well, that m be right, but who knows abt the long term? but they've got a lot of dollars now. (laughs) i mean, they've got certain responsibilities.... >> rose: but didn't th president of the world ba just make a speech out that in the st week or so saying that there will bsome real challenges to theollar as the reserve kurn any. >> well, look, i don't thin anything tre's any substitute for the dollar now uess we real screw up, and i hope we don' but that would bthe real danger tthe dollar. the world... the world needs wod currency. the financial world is globalized. it's very much ierconnected d when it'slobalized, you need something. these pies of paper have to b labeled something. the blips on the computer screen have to be labeled something. wh are you trading? when you're paying for ur exports your imports, i