google apps for education, e ed moto, goodmail where data is collected. >> that's not data that schoolsnd districts and states collect and maintain and keep private and secure. >> that's absolutely where our states and districts need to do more work to ensure privacy. >> essentially, they are giving, if nothing else, a de facto right to these companies to have control of this data if the school is not maintaining the data on the kids, somebody is. it's through a contract, the district is obligated to spell out the terms of the data use in the contract, itself. we do know that most districts, we have 15,000. most of them don't have the legal and technical capacity tu to do really well-written and tight contracts for those services. we have seen a lot of states start to step up to consider how could they better support their lower capacity districts to get good solid contracts in place that really secure, that ensure privacy of student date. >> we know you out of all of the districts that engage and contrast with this, 7% of them write into the contract that these companies are not allowe