. >> i don't know if it makes you goodnow. i have to play for coach kerr and go to paris. >> it's just amazing. an amazing feeling. everybody that has a part in that is the most important thing that trophy is nice. >> finish it off for andre andre and draymond. finish off the parade before we jump into cars with the kind of thought and o ohmage to fans. >> we have grown up in y'alls eyes. from 2015 when we wondered what shaving cream was because we didn't have the ability to grow that stuff and know what we have carried the last eight years. how cool is it. 7 years to the date from game six of 2015 to game six of 2022. [ applause ] >> the exact same day we celebrate another championship. to know, we represent you guys. the life that you give us. the inspiration. the free males meals and standing ovations in the kitchen. >> i love those. all of that matters. this is what it's about. entertaining you guys and giving you something to cheer for. it's giving us the opportunity to go through amazing things that we haven't done in hi