saturated but it's starting to mature and you have significant competition from google's android google sanjoy is in my opinion and technically a superior or west operating system and it has various o.e.m. so which will quickly manufacturers are put out significant the very advanced equipment and they put it a very very thin margin so you're talking they have they give up a system that lets them free with equipment that's very very advanced and it gets upgraded roughly every three months you know between a different manufacturers in order for apple to compete with that they have two choices. right they could drop the price at. which of course just margins or they could increase the technology that goes into the i phone which also exhausts margins so no matter what choice they have it's less so much is that you see that going as time goes on the cost more more to make the i phone five and make the i phone four and i phone three it costs more to make the latest versus i pad super scio vigil yeah that's interesting and it's interesting the product mix that has driven that and it's now compounding