less than two years lat it sold motorola's smartphone busine to lenovo for 3 billion but googleo did get keep most of the portfolio of mobile patents offering the company legal protection for its android operatg system. to date alphabet has spent over 32 billion on acquisions, 40% more than amazon. almost 500% more tn apple. what about the quarters and years ahead? some analysts thi increasing regulatory scrutiny both here and abroad will hamper google's ability to do some deals. >> i'm attempting to do a large 10 to 20, $30li b acquisition -- vertical ntegration acquisition in th internet advertising space off the table. google for twitter off the table. the reason is the concentration of the large market share they already have inonline advertising. google accounts for close to 50% of internet ad spend in some markets. they wouldn't be allowed to increase that share. >> reporter: tmahaney doesnk google can do relatively smaller deals to build out theou growin business as it looks to close the gap with industry leaders with amazon and microsoft. google's new cloud chief ias ma clear