william henry harrison in this story. >> i would like to apologize to all of his family. he wasn't actually in porn. they didn't have porn back then, but it was etched on trees. >> googling william henry harrison in porn which is what i did, interesting results. >> wasn't he a bachelor? >> con fecialed, i believe. confirmed. i am actually not sure. >> could have been both. >> we don't know, greg, we don't have books to tell us things like that. >> gavin, you said who cares about the guy's porn star past which is how i feel too. but i feel the voters in the district should have been the judges of that and by lying he denied that ability. >> i guess so. i feel like americans are way too obsessed with the politicians' personal life. i don't want them to do kneeing. just stand there. i want a cardboard cutout. the best politician is a japanese guy who only knows the word no. put him in office. >> you said that last week. your father did. >> it is my mantra ssments. >> like they say, he was rude to someone. i don't care if he had an affair. if somebody was anti-gay marriage and hit on a guy in the airport bathroom, well i didn't try to marry him. that's none of my bees wax. >