. >> see why she and googoo may never really understand each other. >> there we go. >> i'm not going to say this video is perfect but it's perfect for me. two states i love to visit and two doses of man tears. we start in beautiful breckenridge, colorado. cami is opening up a gift and inside is a giant card. >> now read the front. >> okay. "you may not have my eyes or smile, but from the first moment, you had my heart, love daddy. now you have my last name." >> it's just now starting to sink in. >> we filed all the paperwork so you'll be a powell like daddy. daddy's going to adopt you. >> wow. >> and the tears come. she's wanted this for eight years. this man, bobby powell, came into her life when she was 3. bobby married her mom, tory, but they had a different last night. around 6 or 7, she was like why is your last name different? they tried to explain that was expensive to get the adoption going and name changed but it's priceless because she is now going to be a powell and there are tears all around and it wouldn't be "right this minute" if we didn't have this little reveal. >> a