very gooquestion. >> charles, how wod you provide the scecard? >> i think credible news is the newthat tries to present you as manpoints of view as possible, but th has the courage to connect theots and not just prent the points.wy because e question comes from a scientist, is, for exale, one of the great flaws iour coverage of clime change has been to say, "ll, on the one hand, these are the peop who say there's problem and we're fine and gbal warming is a big mythand on the other hand, here are the people who say glob warming is very serious and it's gointo be what will imperil our lives for ny generations to come. i guesse won't solve is tonight. let's move on." that's not thtruth. that's points, but you haven't nnected the dots. the way to connect the do is to say, "in thacademy of sciences there are 1,0 scientists, 990 of whom believe climate chan a great threat to this planet, you ow, and 10 of whom are funded andnderwritten by exxon o don't." and if we don'do the pointillism that is required to prent all the dots so that we can create a pi