but nobody seems to remember gorbachev will go up the mania advice him and his idea of a common european home. um, you know, whichever, whichever one was of july sure, you guys will close in his legs. he is going to trust. i mean he strangely criticized pollutant, but he also bitterly condemn the west, so betrayed that vision and rightly i think. but of course, when it comes to your pin publics, well, what can you expect the look of person? i mean, it's the bbc. i'm the times. i'm the daily teller growth. and even the gone to a unit. i'm the magazines, all in say exactly the same thing and the read basically guessing that q from government funded think turning, switch all unanimous on the same subject. you know, i mean, you, you come expect corporate people to know any better than they all. and that's the thing. so we talk about russian misinformation, uh, bought by different parts of tools. but even if you look at britain today, i'm in the admin in a sense, there is no public debate. there is no public serious public discussion about british interests versus priorities international rea