was able to attend last friday which was kind of ribbon-cutting, i guess, for the project at gordon j. lowe which is a joint project with a number of city partners including the public utilities commission which is rainwater collection project, where water is collected off the roof of the school, held in sis alternatives, comes down a pipe system and is used to warden the gardens, -- wattwater the gardens, one of those that i was amazed and pleased we were able to do at all, gibbon the neighborhood and the size of the school yards. so it was really quite extraordinary and a mural describing the sistern and water collection system. this is a project, one of our green school yard partners, but it's a living library project. and it was rling amazing and there were a lot of people there and i think we do a lot of wonderful projects just of this nature except what's unique about this is that it was funded by the p.u.c. this is about managing groundwater, diverting water, even in, again, the most densely populated neighborhood in san francisco and according to board of supervisors, president davi