but let me - because we are talking about sects and cults we're back to our major expert gordon melton who of course with his work on diversity of religion has come very close, - is always working on developing these terms. just a short interview, but listen to gordon melton if we could, speak about from his perspective what sects and cults are. >> well we started out looking at the kind of mainstream large religious denominations. and, traditionally it's been sects that we describe those smaller groups that were breakaways of the larger groups and that had a little bit more strict moral standard, a little bit stricter adherence to belief systems. we call them sectarian groups. and then there were groups that were just off on another ball field, playing a different religious game. those were the groups originally called cults. they were just very, very different from the mainstream religion. however in the kind of diverse atmosphere that we are in today, the mainstream has been destroyed. there really is no mainstream left, and even among the larger religious groups, let's say those gr