a long time ago, when gordon moore and andy grove were running intel, they had this idea calling win-teletel is in the business of microprocessors, and windows is in the world of computers. >> the world was always biger than that njt and when they got into each other's territory, somebody would loudly scream. >> probably. but those days i think are well over. there are a lot of areas intel has to move into for strategic reasons where there is no microsoft operating system that runs on intel, like phones. and so, therefore, we have to do something like linux on our products. we're not going to miss a market. on the other hand i'm quite confident microsoft will develop a phone-based operating system for us at some point in time if we have the success we expect to have. they won't want to miss the market, either. these things tend to go in cycles, number one. number two, we've always had software as a company. a lot of it was invisible to users. the things that make your graphics cards work and your multimedia work on your p.c., and those kinds of things. and that was probably in the range o