tracing this and basically who came to the rescue for that funding was a private foundation, betty gordon moore foundation. one of the first things you have to do in scientific evidence and what's happening in some of these crises is get the baseline data. that enabled to get the baseline data and also establish relationships between japan and international scientists to pull together in a cooperative way to continue to trace what's happening with the fukushima ocean radioactivity. also these scientists have worked very hard in getting information out to the japanese public. there was a workshop and public forum. the japanese came in droves and thanked the scientists for getting the unbiased, solid information out there. we worked very creatively through crowd sourcing to get, again, samples of water along the west coast and that has come in to be analyzed and shows that the level of threat is very, very low, well below a safety standard. we have a whole center devoted to it. >> i want to thank all of you for your interest this morning in this panel and please join me in thanking these distingu