. - 12 days before the presidential election, the race between vice president al gorean texas governorw. bush is so tight that ralph nader has become a real cause for concern. in at least three states, polls show nader e wiugh support to potentially cost gore critical electoral votes and tip the race to bush. - but like any candidate, he wanted votes and he wanted 5%so e would qualify for matching funds in any future election. - it's suggested that it might be a very close race, and he said, "oh, gary." he said, "don't you worry. "pat buchanan's gonna take as much from the right as i take from the left." - some nader raiders band together and released a petition denouncing him. - i formedrs website, www.naidersforgore, and much to my surprise, i've had over 11,000 hits as of this morning. - i would rather stab myself in the eye than stab him in the back after the years i spent with h. i wouldn't sign, i didn't sign, but i explained to him, at the least, es should avoid popular st that could go either way. - he pledged he would not campaign in states where he would make a difference. h