distance, the village has an elementary school to a secondary school three kilometers to an agro-town, gorodische there, organized transportation of children, also children and the bus brings a big boy to the kindergarten. people are working in the spk that is, for the time being, in short, who does not have enough jobs, even entering from the homeland leaves for a cable. there you work , you work on farms producing some kind of industry or processing plants. nas nemagnas are generally the indigenous inhabitants of the village. this is the beginning, who stays here to live, in addition to the main work, who works. for example, at school, in hospitals , shops are also engaged in subsidiary farming and agriculture. people produce in large the quantity of all production such as hothouse cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, you plant a large number of cabbage, potatoes , auxiliary farms to keep cows with a puppy and pasture by the village council, providing in full . in this problem, too, just work also in the subsidiary farm, they took the pigs and birds even provide themselves with surpluses and sell them