we're seeing that it is possible to produce coffee on mount gorongosa.e community has embraced the idea. they're producing coffee, replanting trees, taking care of the forest, and helping the environment. reporter: the coffee beans are taken to the town of gorongosa for roasting and packing. while we're there, the local mayor drops in to visit the centre. he's hopeful that the coffee will not only protect the environment, but also lp to promote reconciliation. fighters loyal to the rebel group renamo were long holed up in the hills and forced some farmers to join their ranks. as a result, there are townspeople who are wary of the farmers. sabite: this project is a good thing. it c creates ties between the coffee growers on the mountain and the processing plant here in town. we're not affected by any conflict, because the coffee farmers haven't been involved in the fighting. this project improves relations between people in town and people up in the hills. reporter: since the start of the project, farmers have planted more than 140 hectares of coffee and