gosna, pasla, godsna, pasla, pasto, most frequent, for all the grace of the lord, the joy of god, let us accept each other. popasco, liberation and scats, giving to the youth is our eternal one, let the eyelash over everything with joy for. fully speaking, produce, apostles, the word to the father and the son and the holy spirit and always and forever and ever. amen. resurrection is the day and... let's rise up , god, and we will forgive each other for our works, we will forgive in the resurrection , give us a song, christ is risen and died . that tried life gave. christ rose from the dead, death brought death, and those who were losers. love, and gave life, worships. the instructive word of our holy father john chrysostom, archbishop of constantinople. on a holy and light-bearing day , it is glorious. and the saving christ of our god, resurrection. whoever is pious and loves god, let him enjoy this beautiful and bright celebration. he who is a prudent servant, let him enter joyfully into the joy of his lord. if anyone has labored by fasting, let him now partake of the grapevine. if a