gosset the mayor's budget director. as of yesterday, we have a tentative agreement, which is consistent with the mayor's budget submission. it still has to be ratified by the members of the police officers association, the firefighters' union. however, it is a very significant concession that we have agreed to. it tentatively. and it will keep our budget in balance. there'll be a few administrative changes we will need to make to implement it, but is absolutely manageable. i just want to thank the police officers association, the firefighters' union for their agreement. they stepped up again to provide a significant help to the city to help us balance our budget. i think we just need to be cognizant of the importance of that and what it has done for us to be able to protect services in this budget. supervisor chu: thank you. supervisor wiener: that is really good news. if i could just ask you -- is it -- i know that the 3% raise is going forward, compensated by a corresponding 3% increase by the firefighters and police