and it's a good showing that, for lack of a better term, the gotland has been thrown down. -- the gauntlet has been thrown down. s.s.p. have been making a concerted effort -- the san francisco police department has been making a concerted effort that you are not hair to have a good time, you need to go. -- if you are not here to have a good time, you need to go. >> any comment on the executive director's report? seeing none, item number four. comments and questions? officer mathias, welcome. officer matthias: hello, commissioners and staff. i'm here to give you an update of what is happening lately. many were talking about, he was actually parolee at large. it is helpful to be able to take them into custody when they are wanted. some of the things that we do when i apprised the commission as far as what things are going on, if it is tied to a club, i will say exactly which club and how it is tied their, if it is appropriate or not. but sometimes we talk about the things that are just entertainment related. i think it is important for the commission to know the level of activity going on in