a doctor in gottingen was accused of manipulating his patients' records so that they received organs more quickly. >> a committee tasked with investigating this has announced their findings. their conclusion, trust in transplant procedures needs to be restored. organ donations are at a 10-year low. >> the committee found that 20 of the 24 transplant clinics had acted professionally, despite minor irregularities at some. but at four clinics, there had been serious violations of the procedures for liver transplant operations. medical records were manipulated to move certain patience of the waiting list. -- patients up the waiting list. >> it was not primarily material motives that led to the irregularities. it was not the private patients were favored. it was more that there were structural incentives to do with hospital financing and certain hospitals competing with each other, and to do with the pursuit of fame and honor. >> now transplants of other organs are also to be investigated. germany has some of the strictest regulations in the world for such procedures, but the scandal has