at the max planck institute for solar system research in gottingen scientists are studying coronal mass ejections or c m e's in particular they want to know why these solar eruptions occur with varying frequency overly eleven year cycle in the air we think they result from a dynamo inside the sun but we don't know exactly how it works. the sun is one hundred fifty million kilometers away and it's incredibly hot the temperature in the core reaches fifteen million degrees celsius as hydrogen nuclei combined to form helium this nuclear fusion has been the source of the sun's heat and light for more than four billion years. to what's the sun looks like an evenly shaped ball but in fact it's a rotating and shapeshifting gashes mass that generates a chaotic magnetic field the individual magnetic field lines can be seen as loops towering up to eighty thousand kilometers above the surface. the field lines guide the motion of plasma and hot gases. the smart move for the magnetic field is constantly changing and twisting that means the magnetic field lines can cross each other that can cause to b