and housing 69 units of housing at ground floor, retail or active -- ground floor retail fulton and gottion and little bit of ashe alley on the north side. from a design perspective we recognized early on this is a big site. it's 28,000 square feet. and there are initial plans focused on single integrated structure for both the housing and the club. we realized trying to find two separate architects and creating open space much better reflects the fine grain character of the smaller projects in the neighborhood. both [speaker not understood] the architects of the clubhouse and david baker architects, the architects of the housing are represented here today and they can answer specific questions about design, which i imagine may arise in your discussion. as far as public improvements or public benefit from the project, we are excited to be able to provide a valuable set of streetscape improvements that exceed the standards we believe set by the market octavia and better streets plan as described by mr. guy already, they include street landscaping, lights, [speaker not understood] along the p