and then gus, the father of soc and greg goumas, who own goumas confections, he taught soc goumas how to make candy. and they're very old recipes that he just kind of, a lot of things weren't really written down. maybe a list of ingredients, but basically, the way to do it was hand-taught. passed away, soc brought his brother greg in, because they were so busy at the holidays, and with his father gone, soc was kinda left to do it all by himself. and greg has never left, so between the two of 'em, the brothers have about, i think it's about a combined 75 years, of candy making, they do know what they're doing, and they put out a tremendous amount of candy, especially at the holidays. i think what keeps them going is, only soc and greg make the candy. 'em almost 39. we do not make any of the candy. the two brothers do it all themselves, i do believe chris, soc's wife, is allowed to sprinkle salt on the sea salt caramels, but that's pretty much it. they do it all themselves, and they know the recipes, and they just do it themselves. well so many people that come in have been buying this