palin's announcement cooes juut after new jersey goveenor ccris christie...hh will not run for the white house. a natioonide protest... alled "oocupy wall street"... is exploding innsize.take a look at this crowd that gathered in new york wednesday... to &pprotest the sagging u-s economy.demonstraaors say they're fed up with high greed.similar protests are popping up in other cities... including one that was here in baltimore. congresswoman gabrielle gifforrs will be in wwshington today for her husband's astronaut and naay caatain mark kelly willlbe honored at of service.besiies his years r as an astronaut... kelly piloted 39 combat missions during operationndesert storm with thh navy.congresswoman giffords is sttll receiving therapy for a gunshot wound to the head that nearly killed her... when a guman opennd fire... at a grocery storee ...where sheewas hhlding a meeting. coming up onnthe early edition... a cockeysville man is in jail this morning... accused of rapiig a hild.. for over two years... 47:49 that's terribll thaa's terrible thht reallyyis he need