strengthening gun control lawssis top prioritt in goveenor mmrtin o'malley's agendd thhs yearr and -3 of former white house press secretarr james brady will be witt the ggvernor in & annapolis, showinggher support for those initiatives. jamessbradyywas shot and paralyzed in 1991 when a man prrssdent ronald reagan. 3 while getting a gun may become harder.... there's 3 for any adult o have. joel d..smith s live in &pnorth balttmore tt show us the &&pproppr way to use pepper spray and see if it's tte right oppion foo youu pood mmrning joel d. d. 3 3 3 3 more thanna dozen are injuree and two people are missing after an explosion sparked a authorittes are siffing throughhthe cindees of what's left at a pppular restaarant..- ed payne teell sswhat they arrelooking for. foo. 3& the expllsson senn rooring flames ripping through jj's restaurant."this was happy hour at a restaurant, theree &pwere patrons in the thorough, we make sure that we thoroughly comb that innident 3 firefighters bbttled the blaze. pissouri as energg says it believessa cootractor struck a naatral gaa ine underground. "righ