. >> it is l-me govepedor christie. >> it is l-me govepedor christie. >> ntio ♪ (snoring) hmm?eaf blower much? (gasps) chickens? since when do you have chickens? oh, about six months. well, they've been driving me crazy. get rid of them. (chuckling): oh. don't let these feathery fellas ruffle your feathers, fella. chickens. you have yourself a perfectly good coop, and that's what you keep in it? (whistles) oh, homer, surely you know there's nothing tastier than a fresh-laid egg. how do you want 'em, boys? both (chanting): coddled! coddled! coddled! (chuckles) what is it about boys and their coddled eggs? hmm. mm-hmm. hmm?