gover itent direct loan progr stu. you hear these advertisements for services that the gover itent offet an.g you the federal government income based repawe gerri: gyou. >> just try searching consolidation loans or d put reli b. you will find dozens of them. they started popping up in the laat fngr yeat an. gerri: we tcli to avoid not talking about scams that you would have to be stu fold to fal fo hi this may not be anything. this may be a scandal a lot of peli stanytenl t in debt often don't know what to do. what do you aloaise? what gover itent progr stus are there for people who are in over their head? >> d berments and forbearances which are temporary suspensions of the obligation to repay the de d. then you can ae pro consolidate with the direct loan program. get something like income bselld repawe if you happen to have defaulted, there are roaming d put litation prlisray, and opportunities settle for less than the amount you owe. gerri: all at art ley le for fre lacom the federal government. a lot of people who watch the trhossdo not l fre these progr s because at the end of the day p