speaker gowan president biggs, house leaders montenegro and meyer. senate leaders yarbrough and hobbs. chief justice bails. members of the judiciary. legislature. fellow arizona residents. thank you all very much and good afternoon. [applause] it has been quite a day at this capital and the highlight was your swearing. elected office is an honor that rarely comes easy. i congratulate and welcome each one of you. [applause] when we have served before or are new to this place, all of us have arrived here to find serious challenges waiting on us. the test is when we answer them in a serious way. without trying to buy time or to side step obvious problems that will need to be dealt with right away. putting off problems is certainly not what i had in mind in seeking this office and i know that each of you would say the same about the positions of trust that you hold by right. these next few weeks, we could all use the fresh outlook of newcomers. not trapped in the old ways of thinking about state spending, taxes. public education, and the role of governme