gowandi is the author of several best-selling books on medicine.agrees with goldhill that the market in health care isn't working, but he says there's an important fact to consider. >> the sick account for most of the costs, 5% of patients are 50% of the costs. and these are folks for whom the bills are $40,000 and $50,000. >> under goldhill's solution, limiting insurance to catastrophic events and serious illnesses, insurance companies would still be paying for a lot of our health care costs. figuring out how to treat the sickest of the sick, gowandi says, is the trillion-dollar question. >> the average patient who's elderly on medicaid has more than ten specialists, physicians by the last year of their life. and if you've ever taken care of an elderly parent, you know how much you want to tear your hair out that they just won't talk to each other. >> reporter: what the country needs, he says, is a more coordinated approach to care. some doctors tend to prescribe too much medicine, he says. that's less efficient, but it is more profitable. >> we h