but those chips known as gpus do more. >> it's evolved into gpu that uses in a variety of applications that you have to simulate information. >> everything from 3-d imaging from hospitals to facial recognition for homeland security. now a research company found in part by bill gates also turned to the gpu to help power a laser based system to kill mosquito.oa mosquito and female mosquito and shoot it down. the recognition of trying to find it is done on a gpu. a laser fence that could protect villages from mosquitoes. if it seems like overkill, consider the real enemy is malaria. so richard is the director of global health sciences and involved in the worldwide war on malaria. he doesn't have direct knowledge of the laser device, he knows malaria is taking a staggering toll. >> it kills 1 million people every year and most are children and most live in africa. >> it has helped control malaria but prevalent in at least 99 countries. >> even they admit laser system wouldn't be a complete solution they are making it cheaper and easier to klio in the third world, hoping to partner with a c