grace: my name is grace gambrill and i live in bangkok, thailand.alf new zealand/australian and half thai. it provides a lot of schedule to my life and also it build a really great community and gives me things to do in my free time and find out what i like and what i enjoy. i like to play volleyball, doo art, and play piano. i like thai pop music and korean pop music. thai pop music is a lot more calm, acousticic-type of musu. while korean pop is lot more dance and more kind of upbeat. personally, in terms of my future job, future goals, i hope to either major in architecture or psychology, or both. but realistically what i really want to have in the future is happiness. i think the entire environmental problem, and the over-population problem is one of the biggest that we probably have to deal with pretty quickly. the garbage patches in the oceans are only getting bigger. there are not t many famouss solutions s that are hapappeng right now, so it's kind of woworrying to see those issues getttting bigger a and biggerd not seeing as much action as