. -- my name is grace martinez. she said she is a child at the heart and a member of days. -- child at brett hart and member of grace. "my concern are all the cuts that have affected our schools." >> [speaking spanish] >> it is necessary that we find funds for education and to improve services for our families. we need to be able to work and have the capacity to have good working jobs. thank you very much. >> good afternoon. i am the political action share for seiu local 1021 and a nonprofit worker here in san francisco. we represent workers, rn's and other health-care providers in community clinics and in general hospitals. we represent the classified nutrition workers and the school secretaries and the folks that keep your schools clean. we also represent many of the nonprofits, especially supportive housing and mental health care. this is, for us, the third year of straight cuts in a row. we see things in san francisco that we have not seen before. we see recreation programs close, parks locked up during the day,