reverend john weems, calvary presbyterian, bishop jackson grace tabernacle. both serving congregations in san francisco. very different neighborhoods. as we shared earlier, we had discussed, or we just realized that some of your congregations had never been to each other neighborhood. when did they learn in that experience? >> well, in -- in our case -- and some people sheepishly said i've lived in san francisco for decades and i've never been to bay view hunter's point. maybe i went to a niner's game. but not many people not venturing beyond their comfort zones. what our people learned -- again, in addition to the warm welcome received at grace tabernacle, was really how small the city is. how inner connected we really are. some didn't realize riding the bus connects you from the walk and the bus will drop you off right at calvary. so we're continuing to learn how deeply connected our city is and how issues, police interactions, et cetera, do impact all of us, regardless of our neighborhood. >> wonderful. we're connected and yet it's easy to believe we are n