duality of this issue, the new president and congress must address child labor in the graco industry in 2017. industry inbacco 2017. ♪ >> the farming and agriculture industry is one of the most dangerous and amerco. industry is particularly hazardous because workers are exposed to nicotine. a poisonous compound that occurs naturally in tobacco plants. this exposure to toxic chemicals causes many laborers to develop acute nicotine poisoning, commonly known as "greenleaf sickness." on someone who has previously introduced legislation on this issue. ask working at hot fields. harvesting tobacco lance. toxic pesticides. as a result, children were experiencing very serious health consequences. nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, dizziness, lightheadedness, headaches, sleeplessness while working on tobacco farms. >> nicotine is both liquid and fat-soluble so when workers go into a wet field covered with morning dew, they are observing even more nicotine into their system then usual. these toxins are absorbed and not only have short time affects like rushes and wheezing, but also can cause