verick cies versus -- service services used to be behind everyone, in terms of the racial issues, gradewise, activitywise, the navy is the head of all of us now. which may be a surprise. it was to me. ok? >[indiscernible] >> i will tell you about korea. i just as soon not discuss the awards. >> ok. >> tell us about korea. >> why, or how were we integrated or desegregated as a start point in august of 1950? very simply, that when the adjutant told the commander, c c.c. sloan, that we've got all these people coming in, and they're not coming in by the racial breakout of the regiment, and sloan said, put them where they're needed, and with that, we started our desegregation. and interestingly enough, i was lieutenant platoon leader, and i got one of the first non-blacks. he happened to be a hispanic. excuse me, a chicano from texas and i told my platoon sergeant, don't let anything, nothing happen to this fellow. we're not going to be the first to screw it up. nothing happened to him. we did a pretty good job, i might add, because we demonstrated 3rd battalion, mcbaines, battalion commander, w