he explained, quote, there are not many crooks in congress, that is, out-and-out grafters. there are not many senators or representatives who sell their vote for money. and it is pretty well known who those few are, but there are many demagogues of the kind that will vote for legislation sole i had because they think that it will help their political and social fortune. anything changed? >> you're kidding me? a lot has changed. this is not the senate of 1932-1933. >> name a few specifics that really have changed the whole place. >> well, the number one thing, of course, is 24/7 coverage. television coverage gavel to gavel of the senate. before june 2nd, 1986, most americans had no clue as to what the senate chamber physically looked like. probably a whole lot of them didn't care either. but their image of the senate came out of advise and consent and mr. smith goes to out of hollywood where they used a phony chamber, as a matter of fact. so, it was, you know, a real communications gap that it was fixed really as a result of televising the proceedings in 1986. but beyond tha