utopians, shakers, the sylvester graham cracker. sylvester graham, who believed that eating graham crackers would make you healthy and regular every day, but his real impact was on sex. he thought that women had no sexual interest at all, so you did not need to worry about them, but men had sexual energy, and if they had sex too often, they would waste too much energy. so they should limit their sexual encounters and really --pure lives. you can understand with all of this activity going on, why joseph smith would create mormonism, and mormonism incorporates a lot of these reforms. temperance, attitudes about women's rights, dietary rules, dress issues, what an appropriate wardrobe is. so in the 1830's, we have joseph smith -- yep -- creating a new faith and traveling to the west because he is being driven out of places -- in part because the idea about polygamy, it's outrageous in this era and it is met with violent opposition, so smith is killed in illinois. his first wife emma did not realize that polygamy was part of the deal. sh