and he also, by casting young unknown irish actors say graham norton, for example.rse, introduced other people into the world who are now , you know, world who are now, you know, thansin world who are now, you know, titans in their own right. it seems ridiculous to me that someone like him for the horrible crime of saying maybe we should have a bit more safeguarding. and scarlett pittman and scarlett, he's been actually quite upset by he's given a very tearful interview saying mental saying it's affecting his mental health, affecting his family. >> we have to ask ourselves, >> so we have to ask ourselves, i mean, you know, should we sense a comedy? surely >> i think this is more slightly it. who is doing the censoring is what we have to ask. the reason that at the venues that he was and he was booked into two yes we know the name of one we don't know the name. the second was was it was purely commercial is they said if we have him we're going to lose other people. so do you i mean, you can say to the venues you're not allowed to make that decision. you're not allowe