. >> graham usheher is trying to o just ththat. he is s a man on aa mission.n. he is using new technology to capture an aerial view of ththe illegal logging opererations. he h hopes it t wl help protectct elephant habitat. >> we've been flying a uav, unmanned aerial vehicle. that gives us the capacity to fly program missions over a set route with cameras anand other sensors on n board, s so we can basicically get a an aerial vie what's gogoing on on the ground. >> [indistinct] >> ok, can you hold this? ok, she''s on course. good airspee ground speed's ok.. today we saw that a very large areaea of regrgrowth forest in e leuser ecosystem has been cleared and is being replanted with palm oil. this sort of work, collection of evidence, provides us with a much stronger case when you go to decisionmakekers and sayay, , this is what's s going on. . the are your laws. whwhy isn't actin beingng taken? it's very likely that palm oil from these, uh, illegalllly logged areas wililld up onon supermarkrket shelves unless we are very, very careful. >> as consumers, we need to