he was grammarian. if you missed crossing the t or dotting an i, if you have a preposition ending a sentence, if you split an infinity, h.r. would get the floor and make a point to offer an amendment to correct that ghastly error. there were some other interesting -- i mean, people like bob dole was the congressman there and donald rumsfeld was a congressman then. al quee who later became governor of minnesota, john lindsay who later changed parties and became mayor of new york. it was just a host of people that line the history books that i had the responsibility to answer phones. one time i got a call from maybe more than once, ronald reagan, calling for gerald ford. you know, at the time, it's just part of your job. you don't put it into perspective. but later on it's like, that was pretty cool. you know? >> in the senate, the setup was a little different. we sat on the floor and on either side of the providing officer and our jobs were to fetch water for senators who stood up to speak, attend their