this year's leinadg nominees have yet tobe noanunced as performers, t buas we know, the grammys ysalwarisurpse in store. >> i think it would be a peecrft time for beyonci to ta keth e e stagleadg intoin her to. thank yo u sochmu. > >>we will be highlighting bay ea amgrmyno minees. ther e isa t loof calol pride in our counmmity. thatwi llbe toowmorr night at :3100. >>> on sunday, n'dot change the anchnel, the grmyam owsh will be broat dcasli veat 5:00 foedllow byan ee ncor performa >>> behow aufutil is this? people are bungildi bridges in our commituny thugroh thr eiar t. and iaasn-american misuralt is helpinang trsfm orthe east bay. look at that aubetiful ecpie. this ais mural of a nation won wi bthirds flyi ngouarnd her and her lastte creati ions a bbrait stiitng ine thconcd or stctruure,at tribute to lunar w neyear, she designed it with 3 3 tsar which isa y full vontlueer-based orzaganiti onin thy e baar eaand it s takeon a ecspiamel aning for emil y. >>fo r me it's ouabt both homecoming and the sense of belong ing. my o pwnarents had a lo t of opunportitiny e thu.s. so i'm relyal gr