to take him, and in the evening the grand inquisitor comes to the prison and delivers a long monologue. you wanted, says the inquisitor, to make people free, you taught them free choice in the knowledge of good and evil, but can freedom make a person happy if thousands and tens of thousands follow you... heavenly bread, then what will happen to the millions, tens of thousands of millions of creatures who are not able they will neglect earthly bread for the heavenly, no science will give them bread as long as they remain free, but it will end with them bringing their freedom to our feet and telling us: enslave us better, but feed us, they will also be convinced that they cannot be ... never free, because weak, vicious, insignificant and rebels, we have corrected your feat, and founded it on a miracle, mystery and authority, and people rejoiced that they were again led like a flock, and that such a terrible gift, which brought them so much torment, was finally removed from their hearts, but for this it was necessary to renounce christ. the grand inquisitor says: "we are not with you, we