when our grandchildrenare ol e polation will have ubled agai conseque pressure on land and foodupies would be tremendous. widespad famine and malnutrition would be all-pervasive. on industry... the port concluded that if mineralsnd metals we consumed global supplies would be exhaustein few decades.e they were caed the club orome because they met there. the writers of the limits of growth came from m.i. jay forrester, a group consultant, summarized their conclusions. the forces are like an onion. peel off one layer, and there's another limit. the forces are like an onion. ultimaly, there will be a combination of forces that make it impossible for the high growth rate ofndustrializaon and the highrowtpossible of population to continue through the ne century. population jay forrester recounts their dire prediction on forces which will hal popution growth. those forces can be social rception that smaller families are necessary to long-term gh quali of life. or it will come about byhe sheer pressures gh quof starvation or the social instabilities that will precipitatean ato. i thought the