who we're seeing in this video is 92-year-old grandma dorothy ellis.ack in september she was in hospice care. she revealed to her family she had a dream. she wanted to fly in one of those powered parachutes. with the help of her family and her hospice nurse, check this out. family friend comes into the car, says you ready to fly, young lady. he picks her up, takes her to a powered parachute they have ready to go and keep in mind this is over kansas. dorothy, kansas, the connection there. >> did toto go for a ride. >> no but dorothy is strapped in, looking good for 92. you hear the song in the background, somehow over the rainbow ♪ somehow over the rainbow before you know it, grandma dorothy is off the ground flying over kansas. as i said this video is from back in september. it was just posted six weeks after this video was shot grandma dorothy did pass away. her family, her friends helped her accomplish one of her dreams. you see her come down here on the ground, perfect ride, you see the co-pilot, grandma dorothy and my favorite part here, you did it